
Girl Genius - Adventures In Castle Heterodyne

Created by Rain Games

A fabulous Action Adventure game based on the award winning graphic novel series Girl Genius™ by Phil & Kaja Foglio

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Development Blog # 2
over 3 years ago – Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 08:44:19 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Steampunk Bundle now available in Backerkit!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 02:08:10 PM

Dear Backers,

we're finally ready to deliver the "Steampunk Bundle" containing the games "Teslagrad" and "World To The West". I wish you a happy holiday season, and I hope you enjoy the games!

You will receive 3 Digital Downloads, available through Backerkit. Since they are delivered on the same day, you will receive 1 email, telling you that several items are available for download.

1) "Teslagrad for Steam" Single Steam Key

2) "World To The West for Steam" Single Steam Key

3) "Steampunk Bundle for GOG"  download link for both games

The items are separated like this because the platforms Steam Store and GOG do things differently.

You may choose which platform you prefer to download the games for. GOG is DRM-free.

Please see instructions below if you're unfamiliar with how the platform(s) work, or how to install the games.

General Instructions

  • The games are available for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.
  • The installation determines which operating system you use and install the correct version, so you don't need to do anything.
  • Please see the system requirements for your computer required to play the games in the store pages for the games.

GOG Installation Instructions

  • Download the file "Steampunk Bundle for GOG", received in Backerkit. You should have received a notification in your email registered on Kickstarter that this item is available for download.
  • Copy-paste the link into your webbrowser
  • Follow the instructions in your browser. You must have an account with GOG, and if you don't have one, you will be asked to create one.
  • Once you've redeemed the code for the games, both games will be available to download and install in your GOG account:  Your Account here or through the desktop client GOG Galaxy if you have that installed.

Steam Installation Instructions

  • Download the two files "Teslagrad for Steam" and "World To The West for Steam", received in Backerkit. You should have received a notification in your email registered on Kickstarter that this item is available for download.
  • The two files contain a "CD-key" for each game, which is redeemed in the Steam Store. Have these ready for later.
  • You must do this installation process for each individual game.
  • If you don't have Steam installed on your computer, please download Steam  here , and create an Account.
  • Here follows images of the installation process. Please allow seeing images if you read this in your email. Please read image captions for instructions.
Verify that the correct Account that you want to redeem the games for is logged in on Steam, as seen in upper right of this image
Press the button "Add A Game" in lower left
Press the button "Activate a product on Steam..."
  • You will be asked to have your product code ready. Please have the "CD-keys" described earlier ready, for the game you want to redeem.
Enter the "CD-Key" for the game you want. You need to do this twice for both games. If you encounter an error, please double check spelling, and numericals looking similar
If the code redeeming was successful, the game is added to your Steam Library, and is available for download. Press the button "Finish"
The download of the game usually starts automatically. To verify, navigate to your Steam Library.
If the button in the banner says "Install", press the button to Install the game on your computer
If the button in the banner says "Play", you're ready to go!

- Kenny

Twitter: @raingames_kenny & @rain_games

Development Blog #1
over 3 years ago – Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 11:58:51 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Norwegian backers only and VAT.
over 3 years ago – Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 02:21:16 PM

Dear Norwegian Backers,

I write in English in case some of you live in Norway, but speak English only.

I received complaints that VAT was applied to the checkout in Backerkit, incurring an unexpected added cost for Norwegian backers since VAT was not set at the point of purchase on Kickstarter.

I apologize for that, it was not my intent to set an extra cost that was not obvious to Norwegian backers.

I will "nullify" your VAT cost for the Kickstarter pledge tier purchase by giving each Norwegian backer on the Kickstarter campaign complementary credit in Backerkit, covering each individuals VAT cost for your pledge tier, so that you don't pay any $$$ extra on VAT for the Kickstarter pledge tier.

Please note:

  •  If you've already answered your survey, and registered your card, your card has not been charged yet for this cost. With the fix that i'm doing here, your "amount to pay" should be 0$ even though the bill says e.g 13.80$ VAT, unless you're purchasing extra items in Backerkit as defined below.
  •  If you purchase an extra pre-order item in Backerkit, VAT will be recalculated on the total order and potential shipping will apply, and you'll pay the extra VAT and shipping if appliccable.
  •  If you upgrade your pledge level to a higher pledge tier in Backerkit, VAT will be recalculated and you'll pay the extra VAT, but shipping is included.
  •  For "late backers" that missed the Kickstarter campaign from Norway, that purchase a Pledge Tier or an item in Backerkit's pre-order store, VAT and eventual shipping is applied in Backerkit and is not covered by this "fix".
  • Please check your survey here that the VAT fix for your pledge tier on Kickstarter is applied. If you have issues, please contact me by DM here on Kickstarter

Again, sorry for this. We were bound to find a snag or two in this process.

- Kenny

Twitter: @raingames_kenny & @rain_games

Backerkit and you! Some clarifications
over 3 years ago – Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 12:48:41 AM

Dear Backers,

So yesterday we launched the Backerkit pre-order store, and sent out a "smoke test" of surveys to 5% of the backers. For those of you that have not received your survey yet, you will very soon.

The smoke test seemed to run smoothly for the most part, but I see that some clarification can be helpful to some backers.

What is Backerkit?

  • Backerkit is a fullfillment service that helps us get stuff out to you
  • When you answer your Pledge Tier survey, that data is connected to the fullfillment system so that your shipping address is connected properly and any special questions for pledge tiers are answered and connected to the system.
  • Backerkit is also a "pre-order" store, where people can pre-order items or purchase an add-on to their pledge level, for example a physical game copy.
  • You can adjust your pledge level in Backerkit, for example upgrading from 30$ tier to 60$ tier. You do this when you receive your survey for your pledge tier.
  • You do not need to buy anything in Backerkit. The offer is there for people that want to purchase an add-on, and "late backers" that missed the campaign and want to pre-order a physical game copy for instance.
  • Backerkit offers support for common issues, like changing your shipping address, refunding a purchase, questions regarding how stuff works in Backerkit. Please use that support channel! They're good, and it takes work off our shoulders so we can focus on game development. :)

What is this survey you keep going on about?

  • All backers receive a "survey" for their Pledge Tier.
  • As written above, if you haven't received yours yet, don't fret. It's coming.
  • The "survey" is where you enter your shipping address if appliccable, answer special questions for your pledge tier, adjust your pledge level if you wanna and purchase add-ons if you wanna.
  • Your "survey" is open for adjustment until we lock orders a few months before fullfilllment nearing game completion.
  • The term "survey" is also used if you purchase an add-on. Example: you pledged at 15$ which does not require physical address registered. You purchase add-on physical game copy. This add-on requires you to register physical address. This interaction is also called a "survey" in Backerkit.

What is an Add-on and what is a Pre-order?

  • An Add-on is an extra item purchased in Backerkit. When you do your survey for your pledge tier, you may purchase an Add-on. For example, an extra physical copy of the game.
  • A Pre-order is a purchase done in Backerkit in the "pre-order store" on Backerkit, delivered in the future. This means that a person that did not pledge to the Kickstarter campaign may purchase a pre-order of an item that we have made available, for example physical copy of the game.

I hope these clarifications help people that are unsure on how Backerkit works! :)

- Kenny

Twitter: @raingames_kenny & @rain_games