A fabulous Action Adventure game based on the award winning graphic novel series Girl Genius™ by Phil & Kaja Foglio
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Devblog # 18 - New Trailer, Progress, London W.A.S.D event
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, Apr 04, 2023 at 08:15:32 AM
Happy Easter everyone,
so one of the big news is the new trailer. What do you think? :)
Other than that, we are working on the last game content, and it is progressing nicely. We're almost done with the last bossfight in terms of mechanics. I will share more on that in the next Kickstarter Update in the spoiler section. We are currently working on the last levels in the game as well, and the last story content. We have also started polishing the early game content in Act 1. In short, we are not that far away from starting the beta. We'll do that once the game is playable from start to finish. News on when the beta is started will be given when it's ready, so please watch your inbox and our socials. We do not have an exact date yet.
In other news, we went to London W.A.S.D event, showing off a demo.
The reception among the players were great! I was positively surprised that so many loved the game. I would say around 80-90%% positive remarks, which is really good. We had players constantly throughout the three days we were there. It was wild and intense, with around 9000 visitors for the event over the three days. At this event, many people had not heard about Girl Genius, so it was great to show off the game and the series to a new audience. I think the most common feedback\statement given by players about the game were; "It's giving me that nostalgia feel, like PS2 or Gamecube era vibes, reminiscing games like Ratchet & Clank and the Zelda-series". Interesting!
It was a very good event, with lots of good people, good games and good vibes. If you ever find yourself in London next year, and WASD is up, I recommend the event.
Below starts the spoiler section, so thanks for reading!
- Kenny
Twitter: @raingames_kenny & @rain_games
Spoiler section
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// This section may contain spoilers
// This section may contain spoilers
// This section may contain spoilers
// This section may contain spoilers
// This section may contain spoilers
// This section may contain spoilers
// This section may contain spoilers
In the next Kickstarter Update I'll likely show off more spoiler content from the last bossfight and Act 3 of the game.
Thanks again for reading and I'll se you next time!
- Kenny
Twitter: @raingames_kenny & @rain_games
Devblog # 17 - New Milestone reached, new Alpha, Release Date?
almost 2 years ago
– Mon, Feb 06, 2023 at 10:27:31 AM
Dear Sparks,
finally, we've reached a new milestone!
We've created the brunt of Act 2 of the game, and have made a new alpha of this version of the game. The build has been uploaded to Steam and is available for Alpha players now.
Alpha players: Please see a separate update post for information about the playtest.
Beta players will have to wait a bit longer until the game is closer to content complete.
We are now moving into the last project phase, and with that, I'm more confident in giving a release window, so announcement time!
The game is due to release in Q3 2023. We'll specify month and date a bit later when we're closing in.
The last phase of the project
Exciting, isn't it?! So what will happen in the last phase of the project?
Well, we're gonna develop the last Act of the game, namely Act 3, prologue and epilogue content for the game, as well as side content and polish across all acts. It is a big chewtoy to chew on, but the team is ready and highly motivated to tackle it.
Noteworthy features for Act 3:
The final bossfight against a certain....... someone. The fight will be a blast, and will take place in not one, but two areas of der Kestle.
Prologue and epilogue story content for the beginning and end of the game.
1-2 unique enemy types are planned.
We're gonna see if we can make more interesting enemy variations of types that are already in, and only need some modification in order to be a variant, like we did with the Toxic Chicken Clank.
Explore the Great Movement Chamber(s), the Secret Labs, the Heart Of The Castle, the Herbatorium and more...
1 new Weapon: The Boom Clank. Thrown bomb that damages enemies, and can be used in metroidvania-esque exploration as well.
Side content: Dingbot Sergeant quest. What will happen once the Dingbot finds all its allies?
Side content: Portraits by a master: What will happen once Agatha finds all the masterful portraits hidden around the Castle?
Side content: Othar, Gentleman Adventurer. What is he up to?
Side content: InkyPen reader for reading the comics, integrated into the game.
As you can probably tell, there's quite a bit of content to produce, but thankfully much of this is prepped and ready. The production will focus first on the so-called MVP, or Minimum Viable Product. We're gonna make sure that there is a coherent story and gameplay running through all acts, and that the game is playable from beginning to end first, before adding extra sauce to the game. Extra sauce, here being more content, levels, enemies, etc. There have been requests for all sorts of content, like minibosses, extra challenging optional levels and such. These are not part of the MVP and will not be the focus at first, until we have, well, the MVP in place. We're gonna put on our Steam-Powered Boots Of Speed + 2 to crush through and create the best game we can within the timeframe we've got left.
I hope that you will be cheering for us and supporting us as we're running this marathon towards the inevitable finish line, and that we end up with a cool and exciting game that we can all be proud of! :)
Upcoming Events
We are exhibiting a playable game demo at London W.A.S.D in the Indie section from the 30th of March to the 1st of April. If you're in London, I highly recommend getting a ticket because that show is awesome! Come say hi to me (Kenny) and programmer Roland who will be attending! Follow me on Twitter @raingames_kenny for some updates during the show. I'll probably also include some stuff from the show in a Kickstarter update around that time.
Also, our other game Teslagrad 2 launches very sooooon! Wishlist on Steam here , and you can also play the demo for free during Steam Next Fest Feb 6-13!
A3 Poster
If you want, you can print this image, ideal for posters :)
New screenshots and GIF's from Act 1 and Act 2
//This section is to be considered MINOR SPOILERS containing screenshots from content from the game
//This section is to be considered MINOR SPOILERS containing screenshots from content from the game
//This section is to be considered MINOR SPOILERS containing screenshots from content from the game
//This section is to be considered MINOR SPOILERS containing screenshots from content from the game
//This section is to be considered MINOR SPOILERS containing screenshots from content from the game
//This section is to be considered MINOR SPOILERS containing screenshots from content from the game
//This section is to be considered MINOR SPOILERS containing screenshots from content from the game
Act 2 Alpha available now!
almost 2 years ago
– Mon, Feb 06, 2023 at 10:26:55 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
Devblog # 16 - Happy Holiday and Happy New Year!
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Dec 29, 2022 at 01:20:44 AM
Dear Sparks,
I wish you all a happy winter holiday and a happy new year! I hope that this post will be a small present for you during the holiday, and we're looking forward to finally giving you the game next year! This post contains non-spoilers at the top of the post, and a clearly marked spoiler section at the bottom of the post.
Game is coming out next year. Release date will be announced in the early part of next year.
A new Alpha will be available to alpha players on Steam, estimated end of January\early February. Note! Save data will be invalidated, so you'll have to start a new game.
Beta players will have to wait a bit longer, until the game is closer to content complete.
We've finished up Act 2 of the game (out of 3 + epilogue). Currently working on polishing the content before moving on to Act 3.
We're upgrading the Item Upgrade System. Read about this in blog below!
New bossfight added for end of Act 2. Read about this in the spoiler-y section below.
New upgrade system for items (weapons, tools etc).
Ingame map, accessed in Pause Menu.
Lore system. When meeting characters, exploring locations etc. Lore snippets are unlocked. There's a section in the pause menu where the player can read about the lore in question more in-depth.
Agatha can finally sprint! Related to this, Agatha now has Stamina that is consumed when she's doing struggling actions like dodge rolling or sprinting. The attribute can be upgraded.
Metroidvania-esque exploration features. Revisit locations to find secret(s?) and collectables, using new tools.
Visual upgrades. Much more textures and custom props.
New areas in Castle Heterodyne that was not explored in the series. Examples: The Explorer's Lounge, The Grand Gallery and more... with the blessing from the Foglios!
New tools for Agatha: Power Lantern, secret and secret. Read about the secret items in the spoiler section below.
New tool for the Dingbot: Propeller. The Dingbot can now fly when lifted by an upward strong draft of wind.
New epic bossfight: Secret. Read about it in the spoiler section below.
Agatha upgrade system: Upgrade things like Health, Energy, Stamina by trading hard-to-find Heterodyne Artifacts found in the castle to a certain NPC.
New NPC's: Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Zeetha, Krosp, Violetta.
Command the Castle, using the Castle Command feature to activate traps.
The "Build System". Convert "Scrap Traps" into objects like Grapple Pole, Springboard etc to traverse areas and solve spatial puzzles.
NPC's can now be interacted with for dialogue.
New Interactables: Power Globe (activate with Power Lantern), Timed Switch (deactivates itself after X seconds), Ionization Engine (recharge energy when within radius of the object).
Upgrades to UI. Improved graphic assets.
New Side Quest: "Masterful Portraits". There are some special portraits made by a master, in diverse locations in the castle. Can you find them all?
More "Dingbot Sergeants" to find for the Dingbot sidequest.
And probably more that I can't remember right now...
About the story
We're working directly with the Foglios on the story in the game. While the story follows the general story beats found in the Castle Heterodyne story arc in the series, the game will feature parts of the story differently. The Girl Genius universe is massive, there's a ton of characters, relationships between characters, side stories within the stories and more. Therefore, we need to cut some of the interactions found in the series down to its core, in order to be able to actually produce the content within budget, team size and time constraints. The avid Girl Genius reader will notice this mostly from Act 2 onwards, as certain story events will happen differently. But it is great to be working directly with the Foglios on this, and every Girl Genius reader should know that they approve and define the story beats together with us.
The spoiler section starts below
Thank you for reading, and I look forward to sharing more with you next year, and also, to finish the game and having you all play it! :)
Below this, I'll write about and show some game content to be considered spoilers.
Spoiler Section
If you haven't, please check out devblog # 15 for more descriptions of content described for Act 2. I'll write about the new things in this post.
The Item Upgrade System
Originally, we designed the tools and weapons to follow a tiered progression system. The Wrench weapon would be upgraded to Tier 2 and it would give a number of benefits from that tier.
We've decided to separate the functionality of tools and weapons into what we call "sub-modules" instead. The Wrench now has several sub-modules that represent different aspects of the Wrench as a whole. For example, the Wrench now has sub-module "Power" and sub-module "Wrencherang". Each of the sub-modules can be upgraded, and some of them must be unlocked before they're available.
This provides a much more exciting item system for the player. You have to decide what you want to spend your resources on, it encourages exploration and finding resources, and gives the player priorities to choose from. Do you want to have more damage on the Wrench now, or do you want to build the new functionality on the Grapple Gun? Also, you can find "Blueprints" in the game world, that are objects that must be picked up, in order to unlock a new functionality to an item. These are optional items, that opens up new playstyles, and in some cases optional "metroidvania-exploration". For example, the "Grapple Pull" blueprint is found in the game. When you build this, certain switches and objects can be pulled with the Grapple Gun, opening new areas for exploration. I think it will be a very cool addition to the game!
The Bossfight!
The vile Dr. Silas is your adversary at the end of Act 2, when he surprises Agatha, Gil and Zola while they're "discussing" recent events.
Dr. Silas has a fully operational battle clank, and Agatha must find a way to defeat him!
From concept to implementation
We always start out rough, and define and narrow things down from there.
So the concept of the fight is that the arena in the Serpent's Chamber is a "Tesla Coil" testing room. The blue circles are "Boss Platforms" that Silas jumps between, and each boss platform has a connected Power Globe associated with it (green circle). When the clank lands on a platform, its associated Power Globe is raised and interactable by using Agatha's tool, the Power Lantern on it. This activates the Tesla Coil on the boss platform, zapping the boss with lightning, thus disabling its energy shield and stunning the clank, and it gives Agatha an opportunity to damage the boss.
Here we see the implementation of the arena in the game and the different concepts. We have the walkable arena, the Boss Platforms and 3 Power Globes connected to each Boss Platform. The Power Globes will raise and retract whenever the clank jumps between platforms.
GAMEPLAY (earlier development footage, no audio sry)!
So here we see me playing against the boss in an earlier test run. I'm playing on Hard difficulty here, as we're testing how the boss plays when there's a lot going on. The normal difficulty setting will be tweaked down this. You'll see that there's more complexity added to the fight as the fight goes on, and Silas threatens you with more attacks. I'll break it down for you.
The boss has 4 phases, where complexity increases each phase. The phases are transitioned when the boss meets a health threshold. For example, falling debris releases each time the boss lands on a platform in the later phases, and number of missiles launched and amount of chicken clanks released is increased.
The boss jumps between platforms. When he lands, the connected grate releases a damaging energy burst from the impact on the platform, but also raises the Power Globe that the player can use to stun the boss. The challenge is to time the movement correctly, get in range of the globe and activate the Power Lantern, while the boss is attacking you. The player must also avoid the damaging energy burst from the grate that lasts for a short time.
The boss has 4 attacks: Gun Attack (the cone barrage on the ground), Flying Gun Attack (he flies and shoots at the same time, and cannot be stunned in this mode), Missile Attack (launches flying missiles that impacts and creates a fire on the ground for some time), Chicken Clank Egg Launch (launches Chicken Clank Eggs that pops and releases clanks that chase the player, of the exploding and toxic variants).
Environmental Hazards: Later in the fight, falling debris is released when the boss lands on a platform. Later on as well, falling debris falls randomly.
The boss is invulnerable to damage while the clank energy shield is up. The shield is disabled when lightning is released on top of it when Agatha activates its Power Globe, stunning the boss and Agatha can damage the clank by hitting it with the Wrench.
The fight is all about timing, avoiding damage and managing threat complexity as the fight goes on. Also, I think that the madness of Silas is showing through in the fight. He really wants to DESTROY you! I hope that the bossfight excites you as much as it excites me. :)
Screenshots and WIP
Thank you for reading, and have a happy new year!
- Kenny
Twitter: @raingames_kenny & @rain_games
Devblog #15 - New game content! (SPOILERS!)
about 2 years ago
– Sat, Nov 12, 2022 at 09:01:27 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.