
Girl Genius - Adventures In Castle Heterodyne

Created by Rain Games

A fabulous Action Adventure game based on the award winning graphic novel series Girl Genius™ by Phil & Kaja Foglio

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 08, 2020 at 09:47:21 AM

Dear Backers,

We've made a short Prototype Gameplay Video, produced in game engine, giving you a feel for how the game will look and play. I love it, I hope you will too! Watch out for that DEATHRAY!

We're almost there! Thank you for going wild on sharing and telling your friends! Let's reel this in, and let's make the game! <3

- Kenny

Twitter: @raingames_kenny & @rain_games

Girl Genius vol 1 - 20 PDF's for backers!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 08, 2020 at 09:36:33 AM

Dear backers,

Studio Foglio announced that they will give the Girl Genius graphic novel volumes 1 - 20, as PDF's to all backers at the 30$ reward tier or above, as an added bonus! Big yay!

What a way to celebrate 20(!) years of fabulous artistry and writing from Studio Foglio, and such a generous contribution to the campaign! <3

Tell your friends!

- Kenny

Twitter: @raingames_kenny & @rain_games

Less than 48 hours to go!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 08, 2020 at 06:10:37 AM

My Fellow Adventurers!

Othar Tryggvassen (my spirit brother) stretch goal is right around the corner!

The campaign has less than 48 hours to go, so let's make the most of it and try to reach those awesome stretch goals!


As always, thank you for your amazing support! We're soooo excited, and can't wait to start game development!

- Kenny

Twitter: @raingames_kenny & @rain_games

Reward Tier Clarifications
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 08, 2020 at 06:09:58 AM

Greetings, fellow adventurers!

Since there were added some reward items to some reward tiers during the campaign, and I've also added a few new ones, there arose some confusion as to what items each tier contains, since we can't edit already created tiers.

Shipping: We've included shipping in the price and budgeted for that on our end.

Here follows a complete overview of the Reward Tiers:

Dingbot - 15$

  • Digital Copy of the game (Steam + GOG DRM free) for PC/MAC/LINUX
  • Discord Community Hub Access
  • Documentary Footage during game development
  • Digital Wallpaper Poster

Steam Clank - 30$

  • Digital Copy of the game (Steam + GOG DRM free) for PC/MAC/LINUX
  • Discord Community Hub Access
  • Documentary Footage during game development
  • Digital Wallpaper Poster
  • Rain Games Steampunk Game Bundle (Teslagrad, World To The West) for PC/MAC/LINUX (Steam + GOG DRM free)
  • Digital Soundtrack
  • PDF's of "Girl Genius" vol 1-20 and "Buck Godot"

Artbook and Girl Genius PDF's Only - 40$

  • Artbook (physical & digital PDF)
  • PDF's of "Girl Genius" vol 1-20 and "Buck Godot"

Steam Clank + Artbook PDF - 50$

  • Digital Copy of the game (Steam + GOG DRM free) for PC/MAC/LINUX
  • Discord Community Hub Access
  • Documentary Footage during game development
  • Digital Wallpaper Poster
  • Rain Games Steampunk Game Bundle (Teslagrad, World To The West) for PC/MAC/LINUX (Steam + GOG DRM free)
  • Digital Soundtrack
  • PDF's of "Girl Genius" vol 1-20 and "Buck Godot"
  • Artbook digital PDF

Scholar Clank - 60$

  • Digital Copy of the game (Steam + GOG DRM free) for PC/MAC/LINUX
  • Physical Collector's Edition Copy of the game (choose between PC platforms or Nintendo Switch in reward survey. If stretch goals Playstation or XBox is met, you may choose between these as well)
  • Discord Community Hub Access
  • Documentary Footage during game development
  • Digital Wallpaper Poster
  • Rain Games Steampunk Game Bundle (Teslagrad, World To The West) for PC/MAC/LINUX (Steam + GOG DRM free)
  • Digital Soundtrack
  • PDF's of "Girl Genius" vol 1-20 and "Buck Godot"

Artful Scholar Clank - 60$

This tier switches out the physical copy of the game for the Artbook (physical & digital PDF)

  • Digital Copy of the game (Steam + GOG DRM free) for PC/MAC/LINUX
  • Artbook (physical & digital PDF)
  • Discord Community Hub Access
  • Documentary Footage during game development
  • Digital Wallpaper Poster
  • Rain Games Steampunk Game Bundle (Teslagrad, World To The West) for PC/MAC/LINUX (Steam + GOG DRM free)
  • Digital Soundtrack
  • PDF's of "Girl Genius" vol 1-20 and "Buck Godot"

Devil Dog - 100$

  • Digital Copy of the game (Steam + GOG DRM free) for PC/MAC/LINUX
  • Artbook (physical & digital PDF)
  • Physical Collector's Edition Copy of the game (choose between PC platforms or Nintendo Switch in reward survey. If stretch goals Playstation or XBox is met, you may choose between these as well)
  • Discord Community Hub Access
  • Documentary Footage during game development
  • Digital Wallpaper Poster
  • Rain Games Steampunk Game Bundle (Teslagrad, World To The West) for PC/MAC/LINUX (Steam + GOG DRM free)
  • Digital Soundtrack
  • PDF's of "Girl Genius" vol 1-20 and "Buck Godot"

Jägermonster - 240$

  • Digital Copy of the game (Steam + GOG DRM free) for PC/MAC/LINUX
  • Artbook (physical & digital PDF)
  • Physical Collector's Edition Copy of the game (choose between PC platforms or Nintendo Switch in reward survey. If stretch goals Playstation or XBox is met, you may choose between these as well)
  • Your name on "The Thousand Faces" Statue in-game
  • Your name in the Credits
  • Beta Testing Access
  • Discord Community Hub Access
  • Documentary Footage during game development
  • Digital Wallpaper Poster
  • Rain Games Steampunk Game Bundle (Teslagrad, World To The West) for PC/MAC/LINUX (Steam + GOG DRM free)
  • Digital Soundtrack
  • PDF's of "Girl Genius" vol 1-20 and "Buck Godot"

Torchman - 500$

  • Digital Copy of the game (Steam + GOG DRM free) for PC/MAC/LINUX
  • Artbook (physical & digital PDF)
  • Physical Collector's Edition Copy of the game (choose between PC platforms or Nintendo Switch in reward survey. If stretch goals Playstation or XBox is met, you may choose between these as well)
  • Your name on "The Thousand Faces" Statue in-game
  • Physical Diploma with a personalized message to you from the dev team
  • Your name in the Credits
  • Alpha Testing Access
  • Beta Testing Access
  • Discord Community Hub Access
  • Documentary Footage during game development
  • Digital Wallpaper Poster
  • Rain Games Steampunk Game Bundle (Teslagrad, World To The West) for PC/MAC/LINUX (Steam + GOG DRM free)
  • Digital Soundtrack
  • PDF's of "Girl Genius" vol 1-20 and "Buck Godot"

Muse - 1000$

Limited quantity of 30 at the time of this writing. We'll increase it if sold out, if Phil Foglio accepts the added portrait drawing work

  • Your own "steampunkified" caricatured painting displayed in-game, drawn by Phil Foglio (subject to approval <3)
  • Your own personal message on your portrait in-game when a player "inspects" the portrait (subject to approval <3)
  • Physical Diploma with a personalized message to you from the dev team
  • Digital Copy of the game (Steam + GOG DRM free) for PC/MAC/LINUX
  • Artbook (physical & digital PDF)
  • Physical Collector's Edition Copy of the game (choose between PC platforms or Nintendo Switch in reward survey. If stretch goals Playstation or XBox is met, you may choose between these as well)
  • Your name on "The Thousand Faces" Statue in-game
  • Your name in the Credits
  • Alpha Testing Access
  • Beta Testing Access
  • Discord Community Hub Access
  • Documentary Footage during game development
  • Digital Wallpaper Poster
  • Rain Games Steampunk Game Bundle (Teslagrad, World To The West) for PC/MAC/LINUX (Steam + GOG DRM free)
  • Digital Soundtrack
  • PDF's of "Girl Genius" vol 1-20 and "Buck Godot"

Whew! 😅 

Thanks for your support so far everyone! We're nearly there!

The DOOM! Bell tolls!

- Kenny

Twitter: @raingames_kenny and @rain_games

The DOOM! Bell is ringing!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 08, 2020 at 06:09:45 AM

My Fellow Adventurers!

The DOOM! Bell is RINGING, for the return of the True Heterodyne!

Doom! Bell GIF

Doom! Bell videoclip

For the last 8 days of the campaign, let us RING THE DOOM! BELL, everyday. We shall awaken the ancient beasts from their slumber. We shall awaken the Old Heterodynes in the crypts! We shall ring the DOOM! Bell for the return of the True Heterodyne. We shall ring the DOOM! Bell for the creation of this videogame!

Each and every one of you, our beloved 2490(!) backers at the time of this writing; Please share the GIF or videoclip, with your text of why you want this game, and let's make it go VIRAL

Social Media, friends and family, gaming and hobby communities. Please ask your friends & communities to share this message further. Please use this link to share the campaign

Twitter: Please tag @girlgenius and @rain_games in your posts. Please use #girlgenius and #kickstarter

DOOM! Bell GIF download link

DOOM! Bell Youtube link

Thank you, to all of you! You are amazing, and we thank you for your considerate support! <3

Let's make this happen, and kick this villain out of Castle Heterodyne!

- Kenny

Twitter: @raingames_kenny and @rain_games