
Girl Genius - Adventures In Castle Heterodyne

Created by Rain Games

A fabulous Action Adventure game based on the award winning graphic novel series Girl Genius™ by Phil & Kaja Foglio

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Steam and GOG launch!
11 months ago – Tue, Sep 05, 2023 at 07:48:56 AM

Dear Sparks, Jägers and Others,

today I am proud to finally release Girl Genius: Adventures In Castle Heterodyne into the WILD, or in better terms, into your loving hands, on Steam and GOG for PC, Mac and Linux.

The game launches on Steam and GOG at 9am PDT \ 6pm CEST. Codes will be received shortly before launch.

I want to thank everyone of you for your incredible support, and seeing us through a long game development period. I give a special thanks to our Alpha and Beta players, helping us test the game and providing feedback, and helping us make a better game experience for everyone. We couldn't have done it without you. <3

I want to thank my incredible team who put in the necessary amount of blood, sweat and tears to make this game:

Lars Erik -> Art

Eve -> Art

Max -> Programmer

Roland -> Programmer

Alex -> Programmer

Hallvard -> Writing

Fredrik -> Level Design

Jørn (Bear And Cat Music Production) -> Music and SFX

...And the rest of us at Rain Games; Peter, Marion, Olli, Aslak, Baste, Thomas, Petter and Fredrik.

And of course the magnificent Foglios for their fantastic work of Girl Genius, their outstanding artworks and for their invaluable contributions and help for this game development.

I hope you will enjoy the game! <3

Kenny, Phil and Kaja at Pax West in Seattle

- Kenny

Launch Event

Me (Kenny), Kaja Foglio and Phil Foglio will be streaming the game together on Twitch on Kaja's channel on launch day, starting around 4pm PDT. VOD will be available on the Twitch channel afterwards, and will probably be uploaded to Girl Genius' Youtube Channel.

Installation Instructions and Information

The codes will be sent out shortly before launch.

You'll get the codes through Backerkit. You'll receive an email notification telling you there are new digital downloads available. You can also log in to Backerkit, and find the digital downloads available in the survey there.

You'll receive keys both for Steam and GOG. You can choose which platform you'd like to use.

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL, CHECK FOR WHITESPACES WHEN YOU ARE COPYPASTING THE CODE!!!!!! If the code says it is invalid, check, and check again, and then check again before contacting us for support, or we'll be overwhelmed!

Installation Instructions on Steam

Installation Instructions on GOG

Nintendo Switch

For those waiting for the Switch version, it is coming Winter, as it is going into Nintendo Approval and preparation for physical and digital release. Thank you to all that came out at Pax West in Seattle, trying out the Switch version. It's running great!

See press release here

Physical Items

Physical items, e.g the Artbook and all other such things will be sent out with the Switch release. RobaRoba and PM Studios are manufacturing and shipping all items at the same time.

Thank you again, and as they say, FOR SCIENCE!

Digital Soundtrack
11 months ago – Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 03:24:04 AM

Dear Backers,

digital soundtrack codes have been sent out thru Backerkit.

We've received many support requests for codes failing. It is caused by there being whitespace in front of or on the backend of the code.

Please make sure when copy-pasting the code in the text field on Bandcamp that there are no whitespaces.


- Kenny

Upcoming events, Nintendo Switch, GOG, Digital Soundtrack
11 months ago – Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 07:11:40 AM

Dear Sparks,

this update is spoiler free.

Pax West, Seattle

We are attending Pax West in Seattle, 1st to 4th of September.

We are showcasing the Nintendo Switch version at PM Studio's booth #2525 in the Expo Hall.

If you're attending Pax, please stop by for an exclusive chance to play the prerelease Switch version, and say hello to me (Kenny), Phil and Kaja Foglio. They are also attending, and for those interested, there might be an opportunity for you to get books & things signed by them as well.

Nintendo Switch

The release window for Nintendo Switch will be announced during Pax, together with our co-publishing partner RobaRoba, who will be handling our physical Nintendo Switch version, as well as all of our physical items from the Kickstarter, e.g Artbook etc.

Launch Stream

The game launches on Steam the 5th of September. Tune in to Kaja Foglio's stream at for a celebratory launch stream! release

We have set up the storefront art assets.

We are working on making the build work for GOG Galaxy and offline.

I think we're gonna hit launch date on Steam with GOG release as well, unless sunray radiation flips some bits.

Digital Soundtrack

We are sending out download codes to those eligible through Backerkit for the Digital Soundtrack, today, at the time of this writing. Get the hype on towards release with a fantastic music track from Bear and Cat! What is your favorite track?


We are soon locking orders and locking addresses and such in Backerkit. Please check your surveys if you need to edit anything.

- Kenny

Twitter: @raingames_kenny & @rain_games

Release Date on Steam, Nintendo Switch information
12 months ago – Tue, Aug 01, 2023 at 08:57:21 AM

Dear Sparks,

finally, after a long and arduous game development, we are closing in on launch! This update is spoiler free.

Release Date on Steam

Today, I am proud to announce the release date of Girl Genius: Adventures In Castle Heterodyne on Steam.

The game will release on Steam the 5th of September 2023, for the platforms PC, MacOS and Linux.


Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch release date is TBA. More information will follow soon. We're waiting for final commitment date from our distributor on Switch.

Digital and Physical for Switch will release at the same time.

I've been trying since January this year to make both Steam and Switch releases line up at the same time, but it just was not possible. 

On the bright side, it will be worth the extra wait. The game is running smooth on Switch for our development builds currently, and I think it will be a great console for the game.

Physical Kickstarter reward items

Physical reward items like for example the Artbook, will be shipped out when we're shipping Nintendo Switch. We've signed an agreement with a company in the U.S that will handle manufacture of all physical items.

Alpha and Beta players

I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all our Alpha and Beta players that have helped test the game, finding bugs and issues, and giving feedback. At the time of this writing, there's still a few weeks left towards the Steam launch, and there will be additional patches in this period finishing up the last bits, and getting rid of the last bugs and issues.

I hope you're all excited for the game!

- Kenny

Twitter: @raingames_kenny & @rain_games

Beta Information
about 1 year ago – Fri, Jul 07, 2023 at 10:59:29 AM

Dear Beta Players,

we're finally ready to start the first Beta.

This update will contain a lot of important information, so please read through it. Thank you!

 How To Install The Game

  • The Beta will be available through Steam on the platforms Windows, MacOS and Linux.
  • If you've been playing the earlier Alpha versions, you do not need to do anything. You only need to download the large update on Steam or reinstall the game.
  • A little bit later than receiving this email, you should have received an email from Backerkit, saying something in the lines of "Claim your digital downloads!"
  • Follow the link in the email to your survey in Backerkit where you will find the digital download "Girl Genius Beta Key Steam". Download this, as it contains your Steam Key.
  • Follow this link for installation instructions on how to add a game to Steam.

What are the contents of the Beta version of the game?

  • You can complete the storyline.
  • You can complete the large sidequests "Find All The Dingbot Sergeants" and "Masterful Paintings".
  • Please note! You CAN NOT GET 100% Completion during the early start of the Beta period, due to some Heterodyne Artifacts that will be added during the period. Please see #beta-roadmap in the community Discord for updates.

What is the purpose of the Beta?

  • Help us find bugs and issues and report them to us using the ingame bug reporter or writing in #bugs in the community issues. The most important to find are critical issues that blocks progression in the game or makes your savefile invalid.
  • Feedback on game balance. Game difficulty, prices of upgrades, puzzle difficulty, bossfights...
  • Uncovering technical issues with different platforms (Win, Mac, Linux), different input devices, hardware issues...

How to report bugs and issues

  • Use the ingame bug reporter by pressing 'K' on the keyboard.
  • Write and post image or video in #bugs in the community Discord.
  • Please try your best to describe what you did before the issue was encountered, what happened, what you expected to happen, and how to reproduce the issue if possible.

What feedback do we not need?

  • Please do not post bug reports on typos or content in text like dialogues, lore etc. We will do internal proofreading through the Beta period, and we will also be working directly with Studio Foglio on the granular details of text content during the period. Text issues will be solved throughout Beta in patches.

How will the Beta period play out?

  • We're gonna do many, many patches during the entire Beta period towards release, fixing bugs and issues as well as adding some additional game content.
  • The first Beta will have some missing content, and missing polish in certain areas.
  • Please see the Beta Roadmap below for what content is going to be added to the game during Beta, and please use the community Discord, where we will be posting regular #patch-notes and updating players on the status of the roadmap.

Beta Roadmap

  • The following are game content planned to be patched in during Beta.
  • Please see #beta-roadmap in the community Discord for updates on these items during Beta.
  • Game Intro 2D Cinematic: Not finished. Is in production.
  • Game Ending 2D Cinematic: In production.
  • Game Ending Epilogue: Wrapping up the story after beating the final bossfight.
  • Othar Tryggvassen side content.
  • Additional music. Multiple new tunes have been produced, but need some additional polish before implementation.
  • Sound Effects. SFX for props that are missing, more ambience etc. Especially in Act 3.
  • Additional Heterodyne Artifacts hidden in the Castle.
  • A few additional gameplay levels.
  • InkyPen ingame comic reader and vendor.
  • Act 3 polish, additional set dressing and audio work.
  • Steam Achievements.
  • Arena Challenges final reward for completing all challenges with full Mastery.
  • A nice-to-have REDACTED

Thank you for playing the Beta and helping us with testing so we can provide a better game experience for everybody!

- Kenny

Twitter: @raingames_kenny & @rain_games